The Marriage Course

Children Carnival Jump Up

Children will be dropped off to school as usual, as school starts at the normal 8:00am. The festivities will begin at *9:00 AM* with a *Carnival presentation skit* featuring the very popular Cecilia Salazaar and support actors, as they bring traditional Carnival characters to life. We are also hoping to have one or two special […]

The Marriage Course

'The Marriage Course' we’re referring to is absolutely free and participation is done fully online, in the comfort of your own homes. Some of you may be familiar with it and those of you who have already participated in the course can certainly vouch for what a worthwhile experience it is.

Misbehaviour Speaks

Arbor Pre and Primary Schools 129 Long Circular Road, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago

Do you want your children to: Obey, cooperate, and help out with chores? Show respect, communicate better, and fight less? Be motivated, responsible, and honest? Better manage their emotions and excel in school?